One of the chapters I am currently working on is regarding the beginnings of the indie craft scene - what is it and how does it differ from traditional craft? Also, what makes it similar to other subcultures/scenes? Of course the word 'indie' has clear links to 'independent' as used in music, film etc - but what exactly makes the craft indie and how 'independent' does the crafter need to be to qualify as such? Is that even important anymore? As you can tell - I have plenty of unworked questions for this chapter.
I found this fairly recent post by Betsy Greer on craftivism very interesting - I wish I could have heard the talk at Oslo. Riot Grrrl music was important to me as a young teenager and discovering the connections between the music of the time and the motivations for DIY and making things yourself. Punk and alternative subcultures have always interested me and making connections between these cultures and the resurgent craft scene has provided me with that hook to get into the whys of making.
Chicks on Speed, Stereo Warp and Weft: Hanging Speakers
and Chicks on Speed have also been inspiring towards the discussion of indie craft - I remember seeing them in 2008 I think...they were so amazing and inspiring. They did have plenty of the crowd against them and the attitude by certain male artists stank - CoS handled it so well and gave a fantastic public talk and in their way proved exactly what the opposition to feminism/DIY/craft acts like.