Tuesday, January 25, 2011

a day off

I took a day off this week to go and see the movie Black Swan. I loved it - loved the utter compulsion of Natalie Portman's character, the change her character goes through during the movie...I don't want to spoil anything...but it was such a good movie and really got me thinking. Particularly about the obsessive nature of those involved in the creative arts, being in visual art I am quite used to (perhaps the stereotype) the consumed creative, passionate and willing to follow their creativity til the end. Isn't the poster below beautiful.


It also remined me of a chapter in Alain de Botton's book The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work - about the painter. While the other jobs de Botton looks at seem quite absurd in many ways, even pointless, I was left with the feeling that the painter was romanticised by de Botton. The craftsman as being able to collectively see his work rather than 'wondering what we did last year'. While this has some truth, I think it could also be true of industries outside the creative arts. Also, not all paintings/artworks are kept by the artist and even they lose track of what they have made, when they made it.

I am also reminded of the work of Kate Bingaman Burt, her Obsessive Consumption blog which has her drawings of her purchases. It has also been published as a book. I find it fascintating as it brings an aesthetic quality and creative skill to the task of consuming. I wonder, how did it start? did she ever buy things because she wanted to draw them? did she draw everything she bought?
And...just from looking at her site I see that Kate has drawn Oprah's Favourite Things, now that is really cool.

Friday, January 21, 2011

up for air

Head in books, fingers on the keyboard...I have been busy, busy, busy trying to get the first complete draft of the thesis done. With both supervisors taking leave there is a desire to get me finished before the official end of my candititure. I don't feel great about this but I'll admit it has given me the little push that I needed. So, I've been going into my Uni cubicle each day, writing first thing then spending the afternoon proofreading, editing and general reading. It seems to be working ok and sometimes I feel like I am really in the swing of things and getting somewhere and yes, almost happy. Other times, well...'work is a four letter word'.

Today I met up with an academic who lives in my hometime and whose work I have read and admired. It was very generous of her. She offered some great advice towards my writing. Getting towards the end of this University life of SEVEN years I am starting to glimpse what a future might look like outside the walls. I've applied for a couple of jobs and need to keep one-eye on what will be next for me.

The book has an Amazon listing, ISBN, cover and release date - so exciting. Looking forward to reading the book (and seeing my chapter, my writing in print).

Found this gorgeous print today by Seventy Tree

Image of NEW! A3 Big Drop (Brights)

It was out of stock earlier today but back in stock now...think I just might have to make a purchase.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

stitch in time

One of the fun parts of doing research on blogs and craft, for me anyway, is watching how trends evolve. At the moment there seems to be a bit of a thing for decorative stitiching or decoration which uses the motif of a exposed stitch.

Stitch Vase
The 'stitch' collection from Have You Met Miss Jones

'stitching postcard' by Design For Use and availabe here

Another upshot of my research project is seeing so many great craft objects made. Even in the three years of writing (plus the time before when the idea was just a tiny seed) I have seen so many fantastic crafted works and the most amazing ideas. I am always in this space of feeling inspired and on the down-side at times over-whelmed. The effect that blog images have on the reader/audience makes up a chapter of my thesis. At times I find myself trying to 'measure up' in a way to the interiors which often are included in blog posts. The domestic interior might not at first seem part of a research thesis into craft blogs, however there is almost a sub-genre of interior images, which present the home as a work-in-progress. The home as beautiful and a reflection of sub-cultural tastes.

My intention has been to show images of my own house and how the genre of the 'blog shot' has become quite stylised - however laptop dramas have left me without the ability to connect a camera. So, soon hopefully that will be sorted and I will be able to show visually what I mean.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


City Living - A2 Super large printCity Living - A2 Super large print

Wow! I really love this print by Laura Amiss - check out her work on Etsy.
I also like the first image where the print is in situ - how it works with the kitchen accesories. Very stylish and helps to imagine the print being in my own home.