It has been another tough week in thesis land. At the moment I am working on finalising chapters (and trying to ingnore any new information from sneeking in). Although I did find Jo Turney's book
'The Culture of Knitting' in the uni library and it is so good. I'm calling it both a karmic lucky find - you know when you go walking up the aisles at the library and just stumble upon the
perfect book you have been hoping for - and the
driving me crazy with jealousy book, as it feels like it is just what I want to write myself.
However, things have been quite grim, at times I feel on the verge of tears...I keep reminding myself that it will be over soon. That this is the most difficult part but it will be worth it.
I also found the work of artist
Sally England, which has been a huge inspiration to my day. She works in 3D and 2D, using craft techniques including macrame
and the Mr Moustace cushion, which I think is just
genius...can I have one for my bedroom please?

how handy, you can store the moustaches in a back pocket. So clever!