My thesis has hit a bit of a slow patch at the moment, my supervisors have both gone overseas for a few months, so I got an extension and will meet my interim supervisor this Wednesday. Perhaps I've been waiting to see what advice or directions she has for my work. Sometimes I think it's a seasonal thing, I never feel much like working as the weather changes from warm, sunny days to grey skies.
I've been doing some crocheting lately and have really been reinvigorated by working with the crochet hook and the yarn...finding really cool colours, re-learning the skill and dreaming of new ideas. I love how it can become like second-nature and after a while your hands really take over and you no longer really need to think about what you are doing...automatic.
The Hyperbolic Coral Crochet Reef comes to Adelaide - I think the launch is this Wednesday at RiAus - and it should be a fantastic project to be involved in. I'm thinking that I will crochet some coral and hopefully get along to some of the public workshops.
The Ladies Silurian Atoll (detail). Photo © The Institute For Figuring (by Alyssa Gorelick)
I've also been really inspired by this on work on etsy by Hide the Good Scissors.
Loving the geometric shapes and the woodland animal shapes. I'd like to have the bird and the polar bear.